Return On Investment for “A” Players

“A” Players join my peer groups to:

  • Create the best management team in the business.
  • Make it possible to take a three-week vacation (even though you don’t have to take that vacation).
  • Make the business salable within three years (even though you don’t have to sell your company).
  • Surround themselves with other “A” Players. (Their experiences can save you from suffering the same pain — and can help you achieve the same successes.)
  • Get home sooner, because they stop doing other people’s work.
  • Work on their businesses, not just in them.
  • Appreciate the respect, confidentiality and “carefrontation” of group meetings.

My peer group members are in active learning mode, getting better at what they do. They know that the peer group provides a great resource: it’s where they come to get their answers questioned.