Riding my bike near Nationwide Children’s Hospital, I happened upon this sign:

Pedestrian Awareness Zone.

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Whatever does "Pedestrian Awareness Zone" mean?

As a service to the readers of Net Cotton Content, I’ve narrowed it down to two choices:

  1. The pedestrians here are unusually aware. They are awake, engaged in life, open to its possibilities and potentialities. Buddha crosses here.
  2. This is an area where drivers should be aware of pedestrians. That’s nice. But it ominously suggests that walkers can be run over outside the zone.

I wish it were the former, but I’m sure it’s the latter. Of course, "Pedestrian Awareness Zone" means "please don’t drive into pedestrians here." And the rest of the world is a:

Pedestrians Beware: Driver Awareness Zone.

The Sign Raises Questions
Would a driver who is unaware of pedestrians be aware of this sign?

What sort of world have we created that such a sign needs to be posted?

Why are bicyclists being struck and killed in record numbers in Ohio — and the drivers of the cars are getting away with saying, "Sorry, but I didn’t see him." (As‘s Doug Morgan wrote recently, "Four Dead in Ohio.")

Shouldn’t we all move into the zone?