Columbia_biz_logoDear Classmate who has never come to a business school reunion,

Perhaps you are wondering, like I have been:
"Am I going to the Reunion? Or should I skip it like last time?"

As an Ohioan, I have to plan now — to arrange transportation and hotels.

It’s hard to decide. Here is my decision model, using the Good/Bad matrix from The Follies:

(Reasons for me to skip the Reunion)

  • My net worth ain’t so impressive. I know one of our classmates ran Chrysler, for goodness sakes. And here I am in Columbus, Ohio, teaching creativity and working in my small advertising agency. I can’t bear the moment — at the reunion — when some currency trader stands up and donates One Million Dollars for gold urinals in Uris Hall.
  • I’m not a reunion kind of guy. I’ve skipped more than I’ve attended.Urishall
  • I don’t like cocktail parties.
  • I don’t want to relive the miserable moments of business school.
  • I’m not terribly nostalgic about Columbia. I feel quite distant.
  • It’s inconvenient. I have to arrange child care and miss work.
  • It’s expensive. I have to buy airline tickets and a hotel room.
  • The MBA was the wrong degree for me. I should have been a psychologist, writer or rabbi.
  • I’m not that interested in seeing great classrooms. I teach in great classrooms. 
  • Columbia Business School was asleep when we were there.
  • So was I.

(Reasons for me to attend the Reunion)

  • If I miss the 20th, I might never see Columbia again.
  • I’ll see old friends at the reunion. I haven’t kept in touch with anyone. It would be nice to again see some of the smartest people I’ve ever met — and to again admire your beauty.
  • I can make new friends at the Reunion. I really didn’t know many classmates. Striding the Follies footlights in tights, I was shy and emotionally immature. Now’s my chance. I think I might be an (almost) fully-formed adult.
  • I met my bride in business school. She says "Let’s go to the Reunion." (The MBA was the wrong degree for her, too.)
  • A weekend in New York is always a fun adventure. The Reunion is an added attraction.

Outcome: We’re going. We’ve just bought airline tickets.

Request: Please come. The more the funner. Especially if you are the sort of person who would rather avoid this reunion at all costs. You are the person I most want to see!

I hope to see you in New York, April 4-6, 2008.

Feel free to contact me for any reason. I’d be glad to hear from you.
