Clearly this fellow is trouble. And he certainly seems troubled.

Perhaps he’s just misunderstood?

Can we look at him in a different way?

Can we harness his potential?

This is great advertising.

Or not. How do we know if this is great advertising? It’s great entertainment if you really enjoyed it.

But it’s great advertising if you exhibit the intended behavior — if you join the movement — if you get involved.

What Can You Do?
How about seeing what the Ohio Department of Development is doing to advance alternative energy?

They have great information here, including some cool wind maps. (You think it blows where you are? These maps will blow your mind.)

Then you could check out the Green Energy Ohio folks (who have events you can attend) and the Ohio Wind Working Group.

And, of course, you can forward this page from Net Cotton Content to your friends. You might blow some wind beneath another’s sails.