Tiramisu Thanks for your time and participation during our session.

Thank you for the experience and — as I said — I am grateful for what you have chosen to do for a life and your customers.

During the session, I promised to follow-up with a couple of items. Here they are:

  • If you want to explore some of the books I mentioned, they are here on a page at Amazon.com.
  • If you want me to come back for more creativity training, please let me know. If you want to learn more about ImprovEdge and its founder Karen Hough, here is that website.
  • If you want to know more about my class, Personal Creativity and Innovation, at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University, here is the current syllabus.
  • If you want to read occasional posts on creativity, ethics, and life, here is my blog.

And, if you do indeed built any products with tiramisu, please let me know. My daughter is very interested.