Starved for entertainment?

I’ve been cast as the sole performer in the Saturday, December 8th Available Light production of White Rabbit Red Rabbit by Nassim Soleimanpour.

I don’t know anything about this play except what is written on this webpage:

I know this:

  • It is a one-person show. I will be alone on stage.
  • I have never seen the play. I have never read the play. I have never heard of the play
  • I am not allowed to Google the play. (I discourage you from Googling the play, too.)
  • I will not be given a script, until it is presented to me in a sealed envelope when I walk on the stage at the moment of the performance.
  • The performer can be any age, race, or gender. (I qualify.)
  • I’ve been told to bring a water bottle. And the show’s promotional logo is an image of a glass of water. (Huh.)
  • No rehearsals. No line memorization. No preparation.
  • I am not allowed to attend the performances before mine. (You may.)

Tickets Are Here
If you want to buy tickets:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on “Get tix.” On the next screen,…
  3. Click on “@ Venderelli Room – Get Tix.” I am performing only on Saturday, December 8th, at the Vanderelli Room in Franklinton.


Until then, let us pray.

Let us pray that this is not a musical.