Two Favorite Questions

When we turned 50, death was undoubtedly closer than birth. Any mathematician can multiply by two. And I’m not betting on living to my hundredth birthday. Even closer — closer than death — is the date when the world will stop seeing us. We will still...

The Second Arrow

When I dream I can fly, I awake buoyant, fresh from swimming in the air. Waking from nightmares is gruesome. My nightmares are either chase scenarios, where I am hunted, or failure scenarios, where I am ill-prepared, incompetent, or unethical. From those nightmares, I...

Listening As Meditation

John Cremer taught me about listening last week. I’d already learned about Active Listening. John raised the stakes. During his session on improvisation, he described the keys to improvisation on stage, in business, and in life. The first key was listening. (For...