
Early in marriage, Alisa asked me, “How do you determine what you say? Is everything that comes to mind uttered? Is every thought spoken? What is withheld?” To be sure, throughout our marriage, Alisa speaks more substantively. I speak more plentifully. For...

The Four Sounds (During A Meeting)

Early this morning, a few Chairs (of Vistage groups) gathered for cross-training. We call it “Chairs On Zoom Getting Coffee.” During today’s Zoom videoconference, this sudden awareness. Four Sounds There are four sounds during a peer group meeting: The voice of one of...

Forced Choice

About 15 years ago, Bill Oesterle called me. Founder of Angie’s List, Bill is a role model. At the time of that telephone call, Bill was a silent partner in my advertising agency, the late Young Isaac. Bill had long watched me fail to grow the value of the...

Management Of Failure

True to our consumer culture, we believe that the customer is always right. Everything starts and ends with the customer, we believe. Follow the cash, from consumer to investor. If we are cash operations, then the customer is always right. But if we are value-creation...