Poetry for Dogs

My book, Throw Me A Bone: Poetry For Dogs, includes 31 poems written purportedly for a canine audience.

It’s available on Amazon — http://poetryfordogs.com — and priced to generate funds for three humane societies. (Writing poetry is not my get-rich-quick scheme, not a pyramid of dogs with you at the bottom. No.)

Poetry for Dogs, by Artie Isaac

Strange Play

Starved for entertainment? I've been cast as the sole performer in the Saturday, December 8th Available Light production of White Rabbit Red Rabbit by Nassim Soleimanpour. I don't know anything about this play except what is written on this webpage:...


Early in marriage, Alisa asked me, "How do you determine what you say? Is everything that comes to mind uttered? Is every thought spoken? What is withheld?" To be sure, throughout our marriage, Alisa speaks more substantively. I speak more plentifully. For most of my...

Rescue Not

When someone struggles, it's gracious to offer a helping hand. Except all the time, too early, or for the wrong reason. During a videoconference of Vistage Chairs this morning, one of the Chairs was wrestling with a question. The question required consideration....

The Four Sounds (During A Meeting)

Early this morning, a few Chairs (of Vistage groups) gathered for cross-training. We call it “Chairs On Zoom Getting Coffee.” During today’s Zoom videoconference, this sudden awareness. Four Sounds There are four sounds during a peer group meeting: The voice of one of...

Forced Choice

About 15 years ago, Bill Oesterle called me. Founder of Angie's List, Bill is a role model. At the time of that telephone call, Bill was a silent partner in my advertising agency, the late Young Isaac. Bill had long watched me fail to grow the value of the company. So...

We Are All Liars Today (A Poem)

We Are All Liars Today You asked me if I'm telling the truth. We only just met. Why would I lie to you? I lie to my beloved, Lest she see me as weak. I lie to my children, Lest they see me as unwise. I lie to my friends, Lest they see me as uncaring. I lie to my dog,...


Recommended Reading

“The Thing All Women Do That You Don’t Know About,” Huffington Post by Gretchen Kelly — for men who stare at women they don’t know

That’s What She Said: What Men Need to Know (and Women Need to Tell Them) About Working Together by Joanne Lipman — for anyone who wants to better understand gender at work

Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit — for men who want to find out if (when) they are buffoons

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates — for anyone who wants to better understand racial privilege

Are YOU Ready to Succeed?: Unconventional Strategies for Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and Life by Srikumar S. Rao — for Type A people living in a post-industrial society

Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving with Grace by Gordon MacKenzie — for creative freelancers (and those who hire them)

The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron — to reignite your creativity (buy the paperback and use it like a workbook)