How can your workforce, your community, your family live a better, more productive life? Since so much of our lives are the result of spoken words, it pays to consider the ethics of speech. What statements should be avoided? Some types, like slander and libel, are obviously a bad idea. But what of true stories, warnings and compliments? How can you watch your tongue for better relationships at work, in the street, at home and in the mirror? This presentation offers a 30-minute review of cultural approaches to the ethics of speech, followed by a lively 30 minutes of questions and answers. The topic is immediately provoking — because we have all been mis-taught that “talk is cheap” — so the discussion after the presentation is always interesting.

BASICS: 30-minute presentation, followed by 30-minute Q&A. Required A/V for PowerPoint presentation: screen, ability to darken room.

RECOMMENDED FOR: audiences of all ages, 20-200 people

FIELD TESTED: Artie has presented this topic to educators, students (6th grade-college), corporate employee groups, church and synagogue groups, transport nurses, camp counselors, Downtown Rotary and Kiwanis.