The times they are a-changin’ and they are a-changin’ the people. How are you influenced by the years during which you came of age? What beliefs and experiences do you share with your contemporaries? How are the younger and older generations different from your own? Based on demographic and psychographic studies in marketing, Artie summarizes the generational shifts during the past century. The presentation can be customized for your industry and ranges in length (depending on the forum’s agenda) from one to four hours, including advance readings and much lively interaction with the audience. The topic is always engaging and offers self-discovery.
BASICS: 1- to 4-hour presentation, including workshop exercises. Required A/V for PowerPoint presentation: screen, ability to darken room.
RECOMMENDED FOR: audiences 18+ years of age, 20-200 people
FIELD TESTED: Artie developed and taught a mini-university for the Ohio Association of Independent Colleges. Artie has also presented on generational marketing to the Presidents Advisory Council and to the Columbus Association of Credit Unions.