Need a couple good ideas for your marketing effort? What are the latest ideas in not-for-profit marketing? This presentation is a review of the latest and most interesting marketing ideas for a broad variety of not-for-profit organizations. Artie does more than look at leading organizations; he inspires creative thinking for agency innovation. For a look at the original version of this presentation (which will be updated with current examples), download the presentation by clicking here.

BASICS: 1 hour, including Q&A and discussion. PowerPoint presentation requires a room that can be darkened and a screen or white wall for projection.

RECOMMENDED FOR: executive directors/CEOs, marketing and development directors, and trustees of not-for-profit agencies.

FIELD TESTED: Artie developed and presented this topic for Fifth Third Bank’s Thrive! Conference. Fifth Third’s marketing director says: “Thanks so much for your participation in our event yesterday! Clearly, your session was a hit, judging from the SRO crowd you had. I’m thinking we may want to have another session on marketing next year, since it seems to be a very popular topic.”