How do you know if you’re happy?
Our family doctor is a busy fellow, so he has learned over the years how to quickly assess my mental health (a big job for anyone). During my big boy checkups, he asks this question:
“Do you wake up each day with a zest for life and a curiosity for what the day might bring?”
The first time he asked me this, I laughed. He’s said it for so many years, to so many people, that it comes out as a torrent: “Doyouwakeupeachdaywithazestforlifeandacuriosityforwhat-thedaymightbring?” I thought it sounded silly. But over time, I’ve met people who don’t wake up so happily. Some folks wake up with a loathing for life and a fear for what the day might bring. I guess they don’t laugh when “Dr. Paul” asks his question.
His question beautifully helps me balance life throughout the year. I ask myself the question from time to time. It always makes me smile.
May your family doctor be as talented and caring as our Dr. Paul C. Leidheiser.
May you wake up each day with a zest for life and a curiosity for what the day might bring.