Several years ago, I returned from a mind-expanding trip.
Not that kind of "trip."
This trip included a real airplane.
It was mind- and heart-expanding, but I didn’t realize it. Something must have changed in me. But I just didn’t see it. I didn’t realize the impact on me of what I’d learned.
Education can be that way. Travel is certainly that way. At the time, it’s just plain: fun and challenging.
Then, later, it hits you.
Here’s When It Hit Me
I was sitting, back at Young Isaac, chatting with a friend, colleague and teacher, Rachel Hillman.
(Rachel’s the one who taught me about the effect of stress on my health.)
Anyway, Rachel hears me describe my trip and says quietly to me:
Sounds like you’re ready to change your life. Do you want to change your life? Is that what you’re saying?
I didn’t realize I was saying this. I hadn’t thought about changing my life. I mumbled the usual defense of the status quo.
So she adds these priceless words:
If you are waiting for someone’s permission to change your life, I give you my permission.
I mean, it’s not as if you need my permission to change your life. But now you have it.
These words have rung in my ears for more than five years. About two years ago, they started ringing in my heart.
Do You Need Permission?
So, allow me to give you some permission.
As Rachel said to me: If you are waiting for someone’s permission to change your life, I give you my permission.
I mean, it’s not as if you need my permission to change your life. But now you have it.
Now that you have my permission, what change will you permit in your own life?