When philanthropy costs a lot of money, it's hard to do.
When getting involved means you have to commit several months (or more) to a cause, it's hard to do.
Here's an easy way to serve the world.
This is your invitation to get involved.
It's City Year's "Youth Serve-A-Thon." But don't let the "Youth" fool you. Anyone from 5 years old and older (this means you) is going to enjoy this. It's engineered like City Year, to create engaged citizens and idealists out of our 17-24 year olds.
That's why we need to be there.
If we want young people to become engaged citizens, it's our obligation to demonstrate that we believe in community service.
These devoted public servants need to see us participating in the community. April 26th is our best opportunity. We cannot let them feel that they are alone, while they work for a year or more in their bright red jackets in our communities.
For this specific event, City Year writes…
"Youth Serve-a-Thon, held on Global Youth Service Day,
is a large-scale community service and fundraising event led by City
Year corps members to help create positive change in the City of
Columbus and help raise dollars for City Year programs. Geared toward
middle school, high school and college students as well as teams of
City Year alumni, corporations and friends & family, Youth
Serve-A-Thon will bring together 400 volunteers to complete high-impact
transformative projects such as painting murals, improving playgrounds
and beautifying community spaces."
City Year asks us to try to raise $150 each from our friends, but the minimum is the $20 registration fee, for which you'll at least get lunch, a snappy t-shirt — and the opportunity to do a lot of Good Work.
Plus you'll be a role model for today's idealistic youth.
Let's Do This Together — you and I
I'd like to form a Net Cotton Content Team for the Serve-A-Thon.
If you are willing to join this effort, let me know. We'll work at a site together, eat lunch together, and enjoy each other's company as we do something important for the community.
To join the Net Cotton Content Team, please leave a comment on this post or just email me.
To simply sponsor me, send me a check in any amount, payable to "City Year Columbus," to
Artie Isaac, Pretty Good Guy
23 North 4th Street
Columbus, OH 43209
To learn more about the Serve-A-Thon, click to City Year's website.