Jim Canterucci has invited me to join him onstage (here in Columbus) for a few minutes on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, during his half-day of Personal Brilliance: Developing the Habit of Innovation, offered in conjunction with The Ohio State University's Leadership Center.

It's a full morning of exploration and enlightenment on creating personal brilliance through strengthening one's own personal innovation. In other words, Jim says, let's stop waiting for the team to get brilliant. Let's start with ourselves.

Jim Canterucci shows the way.
I've met Jim and find him to be expressive, sincere, and intense. He's a celebrated speaker and a big-time member of the National Speakers Association. I think it will be an interesting morning.

For details on the program, click here. And here's a one-page flyer. And here's Jim's book, Personal Brilliance: Mastering the Everyday Habits That Create a Lifetime of Success.

You can pay to attend. Or, better yet:
Jim has offered me two free tickets. If you want one, just let me know.

First come, first served.