PT-AL727_smarti_D_20090529163805 How can you write poetry?

In this morning's "Steve Martin Takes the Banjo Seriously" in The Wall Street Journal, there is a small mention of one of the many songs he's written. (Fact: Mr. Martin might have been among the world's top banjo players. But, years ago, when faced with a choice of comedy or banjo, he focused on comedy.) 

Today's gem is buried deep in this review of a banjo concert he gave in New York last week:

Mr. Martin told the crowd that "Daddy Played the Banjo" began as an attempt to write a bad poem on purpose; later, he realized, "this may be bad poetry, but it's a pretty good country song."

Write a bad poem — on purpose? That deserves some consideration.

What's This Got To Do With Us?
How many of us resist writing poetry, because we fear — heck, we know — it will be bad poetry?

I do.

So, what happens when we consider Steve Martin's strategy: intentionally write bad poetry? Surely, any of us can accomplish this!

This is part of the strategy underlying Morning Pages. Write, write, write. Contrary to most of our lives, we are to worry only about quantity, not quality. With enough quantity, quality will happen. At least some quality, at some times.

Steve Martin is constantly an inspiration. His life plays out, for all to see and enjoy, a creative adventure. I hope he's happy. I really do.