Complaint-Department-Posters Thanks to Nils Root for quoting his father in a recent midterm exam in the creativity class (and for permitting my quoting it here):

"What you think of me is none of my business."

I just love that.

I'm simply not that interested in what others think of me.
It's just not interesting. Can't we find something else to talk about?

Sometimes people think they are doing me a favor by reporting that someone thinks ill of me.

Remind me: what good does that ever do?

Since the second-hand information might be inaccurate…and spending time talking about other people is needlessly distracting…and negative vibes are corrosive, I'd rather miss the report all together.

Someone else thinks ill of me?
Piffle. Tell him to come to me directly.

Complaints are welcome — as long as they are first-hand.

"What you think of me is none of my business."
So says the source: Nils' father, Dave Root, a pastor in Mansfield, Ohio.