1018963718_85c5050c8d This might not be as witty as your conversation at home, but Gene liked it so
much, he put it in the dialogue between the main characters of a novel
that he's just finished. Pope Mary and the Church of Almighty Good
(working title) is "a gently humorous examination of both
the idiocies and brilliances of Catholicism and it is very very much on
the theme of what people believe or don't believe about religion."

Gene adds: "So I thank you 'until you
are better paid' as the old farmer I once worked for liked to say. He
never did get around to better paying me." (Warning to Gene: If my line is spoken by a braying ass, I'm retaining attorney Doug Morgan.)

"It certainly is far better to believe in everything than to believe in nothing." Given that stark choice, which one would you choose?