There used to be some fat people we all knew, back when the ordinary modifiers were "fat" or maybe "chubby." Long before we spoke of "obese" or even "big boned."

They were: Jackie Gleason, Ed Asner, Winston Churchill — and the Skipper (Alan Hale) on Gilligan's Island.

Who Are You Calling Fat?
As I train for my big hike later this month to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, I'm thinking a lot about body weight. I've never been too concerned with weight. I'm lucky, I guess. (You know, I have a fast metabolism. Whatever that means.)

Yet, as I hike around and pass up dessert, I keep thinking of those Legendary Fat Guys.

And here's what I'm thinking. They represented fat, but — if they got in line tomorrow at the nearby fast food restaurant, they'd be seated in the Skinny Section.

Fat ain't what fat used to be.

Talk about inflation!

