Waldo0 This is for anyone who actually — go figure — might want to know what I'm up to.

1. Sipping wine. If you like wine — or hate cancer  — or both — this Thursday in Hilliard, starting at 5:30 p.m. For details about the good cause, click to this page at Haven of Hope Cancer Foundation.

2. Going to a play. Come see Available Light's next original production, "[How to] Stay Human." Opens this week for only two weeks. Details here.

3. Preparing to act in another play.
Save Thursday-Saturday, December 10-12 at 8 p.m. or Sunday, December 13 at 2 p.m. for a play that
I'm co-writing (with experts) and performing in. It's a new version of A Christmas Carol,
for people who already know the Dickens masterpiece and would rather
(for a change) see a new take on it. If you want ticket information,
send Mr. Winford Doke a message

4. Eating salmon.
Come to the Columbus Metropolitan Club on Wednesday, December 2nd, when
I speak on "The Demise of Polite Conversation: Is Communication on the
Brink?" For details about the salmon, click here.

5. Speaking up. During its first year, SpeakerSite
has become the world's largest social network of public speakers with
4,000+ folks speaking on every topic, in every language, on every
continent, at every price. Let an audience find you by listing your passion, product or profession at SpeakerSite.com.

6. Working on creative projects. If you want to put me to work on a creative project, let me know. Especially starting in January 2010. I have room for one more client.™ (Note to self: put that on my tombstone.)

Here's hoping you avoid the swine, in all their many forms.