I've just found two great presents in my Hanukkah stocking.
The first was last night's dress rehearsal. Jo Anne and I are ready for you. (Are you ready? Tickets and show information are at XMASwithArtie.com.)
But This Morning!
Columbus Dispatch Theatre Critic Michael Grossberg has written a simply fabulous piece on the show. And timely? Yessiree, Bob (Cratchitt)! We open tonight — for four shows only.
Want to read Michael's piece? Click this: "Troupe's New One-Act Opens Christmas To All Religions." If you like what you read — and just why the heck wouldn't you? — you can keep up on theatre through Michael's Theater Talk blog. (Thanks, Michael!)
The One-Step Marketing Plan
Some friends have asked how Available Light seems to know so dang much about marketing shows.
Of course, it starts with Matt Slaybaugh (artistic director) and his extraordinarily talented company members. They are the greatest — and Matt makes sure they do the best work of their careers. Good work, of course, breeds a growing audience.
So the product is right on.
And Matt has his cameras and instincts. And Dave Wallingford (production manager) has his sound equipment and infinite insight into the aural. They know what professional reporters, critics, and other media folks want. Matt and Dave make sure they get it.
But the one-step marketing plan?
I took a peek at the Double Secret Available Light Marketing Procedure Manual.
It said:
1. Call Leigh Householder.
That's it. Huh.
Leigh is Advergirl, a major national blogger on advertising and brand strategy. And she works for Ologie, secretly named "the agency most likely to repeatedly kick my own agency's butt, except sometimes, when there is no accounting for taste." (Grrrr, thanks, Ologie.)
Leigh thinks hard first, plans smart next, and then stokes a team of volunteers like nobody's bidness. (Thanks, Leigh.)
I am so deeply grateful for these people, for you, and for what is happening right now.
Merry everything!