Jackie If you're like most readers, when you think Net Cotton Content, you think:



Well, neither do I. I don't ever think football. Not even when I think "football." (When I think "football," I think about lifelong player injuries and misplaced fan energy.)

I Have A Terrible Super Bowl Attitude
And maybe that's why the Columbus Chapter of the American Marketing Association keeps inviting me back to moderate the annual panel on Super Bowl advertising.

It's big fun when we talk about the big advertising two days after the big game.

Very big.

Here's The Game Plan
First, the Super Bowl is played. I think it's Sunday. Two teams. Pageantry. Drama. Grrr.

I don't watch, because I am too anxious about potential injuries. And, frankly, I have better things to do. (Almost anything is a better thing.)  So, I will miss all the commercials. Dang.

Happily, on Monday, the AMA will tell me where on the Interwebs to look for the spots to be reviewed. For karma, I'll eat a brat, spill beer all over myself, and hit the web watching every spot twice.

Then, Tuesday, at lunchtime, I'll mis-guide a panel of experts on the subject. And you can be there. Here are the details.)

But Wait, That's Not All
Last year, I asked the organizers to let me bring a real expert: a soccer mom. The organizers said, "Yes." (But they were thinking, "Football.")

So I brought Debi Chakeres, the soccer mom who also runs Haven of Hope Cancer Foundation.

This year, I couldn't find a soccer mom. So I found a blogger mom.

And What Mother Of All Mothers
Could Be The Poster Mother
of Blogger Moms?

My own dear mom: Jackie Isaac.

I asked her and she said, "Yes" with so little reaction that it was like I'd said, "Hey, you want to go over to Billy Lee's and have a cocktail and an egg roll? You know, over at the bar?" (That usually earns a quick "yes.")

This might very well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear my mother talk about Super Bowl advertising.

Bring your psychologist.
This lunch might shed insight on how I got to be whatever I am.