Uh, Artie: Family and Business

Uh, oh. A real letter from a real person. Whoda thunk? Here goes… Uh, Artie?Do you think family and business are a good mix?– Louise [not her real name] Uh, Louise.Funny, but I always react the same way when I hear someone is working with his or her wife,...

Dry Run for Uh, Artie?

So, at last, here’s the first letter to Uh, Artie? Actually, it’s a current letter to Dear Margo, Margo Howard, Ann Landers’ daughter. I’m borrowing it for a practice run for Uh, Artie? So here we go.Dear Margo: My best friend just returned...

Uh, Artie?

O.K., now. I've been training for this announcement for most of my life. Every morning, I rise early and read the syndicated advice columnists. I've read Dear Abby and Ann Landers for more than 30 years. Sometimes, I think they have honest, straightforward,...