by Artie Isaac | May 26, 2011 | Living an engaged life, On Creativity, On Ethics, Unsolicited Suggestions
Oh, you don't have to ask yourself any questions, I suppose. But there are some questions — the biggest ones — that the world won't ask you. You are left to ask yourself these questions. Or they might just go unanswered. I'm going to ask these questions of...
by Artie Isaac | May 15, 2011 | On Ethics, Unsolicited Suggestions
A student recently asked why I discourage tattoos. Every semester, it slips out: I emphatically discourage everyone from getting tattoos. “If you don’t have one, don’t get one. If you already have one or more, don’t get another.”...
by Artie Isaac | Jan 21, 2011 | On Creativity, Unsolicited Suggestions
How are you strengthening your creativity? Is it worth study, work, investment? Many of you have asked, "May I take your creativity class?" Until now, the frustrating answer has been, "No." The room is full and Ohio State doesn't allow...
by Artie Isaac | Dec 31, 2010 | Living an engaged life, On Creativity, Unsolicited Suggestions
Sometimes people shrug and say, "I'm not creative." And I say, "Really? How hard are you trying?" So, how hard are you trying?You already know the next two questions. First, have you identified a creative goal? Have you spent even ten minutes...
by Artie Isaac | Dec 25, 2010 | Coaching Topics, Living an engaged life, On Creativity, Unsolicited Suggestions
I've had some trouble finding time to write this. That's as it should be. Time's hard to come by these days. But we must find time for the second of three ideas for making 2011 the most creative year possible. (Earlier, we looked at the first step in...
by Artie Isaac | Dec 19, 2010 | On Creativity, Unsolicited Suggestions
Last week, I finally passed a substantial memorization test. Since 2008, I've been in five theatrical productions. Each one required me to learn lines. Memorization Has Never Come Easily.I'm not a natural memorizer. I prefer to wing it, relying on wit and...