Welcome to Net Cotton Content

Perhaps this is a “Re-Welcome.” If you are a longtime reader of Net Cotton Content, welcome anew. You are receiving this message because I relaunched my website (my entire online presence) on a new online platform during May 2017. The relaunch results in...

My Last Post Before The Election

I am heartbroken to learn who among those I know have voted for Donald Trump.  And I am sad to learn who among those I know aren't voting at all. What Do I Think?Since I turned 18 in 1978, I've always wished for better candidates. I've...


I've never been a big drinker. I've known — and know — some Big Drinkers. They are the people who rely on alcohol to get them through: the party, the workday, the pain of daily living.  That's been the biggest surprise of my executive...

This is all we want you to do.

Breathe.  Last week, I was reminded of this. I had arrived to give a brief talk to a peer group of not-for-profit executive directors in Licking County. (I love that name: Licking County! What were the namers thinking? Wait. Don't answer that. It's...

Upon Arriving Anywhere

When I arrive most places, it's usually by car. A little clown car. And I have this ritual: 1. Steer and brake to a stop in a parking place.2. Turn the key to kill the engine.3. Pull the parking handbrake.4. Release the clutch.5. Open the door.6. Get out. 7....

The Tell-Tale Downward Glance

What do you think when others check their phones? Last week, I was chairing a group meeting. The group is highly functional: processing deep issues, holding each other accountable, caring for the membership, and nurturing the chair (thanks!). Then The Moment...