The End of Mourning

Per Jewish tradition, the eleven months of mourning for my mother have now ended. I've said Kaddish — and will continue to do so on each anniversary of her death. I am very grateful to those who stood beside me and encouraged my remembrance. Thank you. How...

I’ve met my last stranger.

Since 2008, when I experienced the singular moment of middle age, I have been striking up conversations with strangers. (I told that story here.) During the past five or so years, I have met a wide variety of interesting people. It seems it is always when I’m...

We are all “undecided.”

What is it, nine days? Nine days before we — as a nation — make our biggest decision of the year. Zealots say: "the biggest decision of our lives." (Zealots are sometimes right.) As a recovering marketer, I can't help but see this in clinical terms. Like...

Remembering Your Name

Five years ago, my first college reunion, the 25th anniversary of the graduation of the Yale Class of 1982, changed my life. You've read about that. This weekend, I returned for the next one, the 30th Reunion. A smaller affair — the 25th is always The Big One —...