First Question

What do you ask someone you have just met?  How can you ask a question that will get to the essence? Of course, if you want idle chitchat, you can ask a question about something else: the weather, that tree over there, the painting on the wall. They aren't...

Meeting The New Boss (repeat)

[I don't like to repeat posts, but this one has been much on my mind. It first appeared here in 2007.] Taxi Driver Well, the job interview was weird, but they offered me the job. I went to work, 22, living with my girlfriend in her summer rental on Mercer Street...

Drowning in Survival

On the Death of SpeakerSiteI long thought that the best thing to happen in business was big growth and profit. I still do. I long thought that the second best thing to happen in business was survival — and the worst thing was going out of business. I have re-ordered...

Visited Upon The Son

He called. How strange. He didn't call often. My father wrote a few letters, some of them gems, most of them driven by his obligation to be attentive to his youngest child — which can produce gems. Still. A telephone call. During the workday? Very rare....

This Old Heart

Hearts age physically. They also age emotionally. Neither is particularly pretty. ******************* A couple years ago, the old man spoke. We were at lunch, the only lunch we ever shared. “May I Tell You A Story?” He didn’t say why he wanted to...

One Bud, Well Bit

In the fall of 1978, I arrived at Yale to a class welcome by the then new president of Yale, A. Bartlett Giamatti. Bart talked funny.He couldn't help it. He'd read too much Dante. During his Welcome Address To The Incoming Class of 1982, he compared his own...